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3 Responsibilities of Your Criminal Defense Attorney I'm Attorney Jack B. Carroll. Have you been arrested? Have you been charged with a crime? When it’s all on the line, you need elite defense on your side.

Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association
Avvo - Top Criminal Lawyer Rating
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Texas Bar College
State Bar of Texas
South Texas College of Law - Houston
NOLO - Law For All
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Houston Bar Association

Flashing lights, the clink of metal around your wrists, and before you know it, you’re sitting in a jail cell waiting to contact family to help you find a criminal defense attorney to represent you. In the United States’ court system, you are considered innocent until proven guilty, but that doesn’t always mean that things are in your favor when you step in front of a judge. You need to hire a qualified, experienced attorney—one who will follow through with these 3 responsibilities he or she has to all clients:

Treat You with Respect

It doesn’t matter if you’re a first-time offender or a repeat offender, your attorney has the responsibility to treat you with respect. Your attorney should realize your stakes in the situation and how a conviction will affect you, your job, your family, and other aspects of your life.

Provide Reasonable Doubt

In order to get convicted of a crime, the prosecution must prove that you are guilty beyond reasonable doubt. That means that your attorney has the responsibility of providing that doubt. He or she will need to analyze the data and look for the evidence that will work in your favor.

Develop a Persuasive Defense

Along with providing reasonable doubt, your attorney has a responsibility to develop a persuasive defense. He or she should work with you to really listen to your side of the situation, consider all of the variables, and help you determine the best position to take and how to present you in court.

Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve. You owe it to yourself to find a criminal defense attorney who will follow through with his or her responsibility to you as the client.

3 Responsibilities of Your Criminal Defense Attorney

Jack B. Carroll & Associates