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Theft & Shoplifting Offenses I'm Attorney Jack B. Carroll. Have you been arrested? Have you been charged with a crime? When it’s all on the line, you need elite defense on your side.

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National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
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Arrested for Theft in Houston?

Call Jack B. Carroll & Associates for help!

During my experience as a shoplifting attorney serving the Houston area, I have won several burglaries of a habitation, retail theft, auto theft (unauthorized use of a motor vehicle), and a great many shoplifting cases. However, one shoplifting case in particular really caught my attention. After the not guilty we achieved at trial, we actually sued Dillard’s in civil court, and I got to know the in(s) and out(s) of big store security.

I sued Dillard’s (at Memorial Mall, Houston) for unlawful arrest, detention, and restraint of my client, and received an excellent jury verdict. I rarely take on civil trials, but this specific case really upset me. Not only was my client treated poorly by the in-house security (OFF DUTY HOUSTON POLICE OFFICERS), but the main partner of a large Houston civil defense firm took a special interest in this case and tried to bully my client and me.

Attorney Jack B. Carroll Fights Shoplifting Cases

Houston Theft Crimes Lawyer

As a result of my handling of the case, I learned a lot about in-house department store security due to the extensive discovery and lengthy depositions in this case.

Dillard’s was using off-duty Houston Police Officers (HPD) for their in-store security, (bad idea because some officers take a back alley attitude to a theft/shoplifting investigation.) Moreover, I know that some of the people accused of shoplifting/theft simply got distracted and walked out of the store unintentionally without paying.

Some department stores like Macy’s, K-Mart, Wal-Mart, Neiman Marcus, and Target use in-house private security guards. Many of these security guards change jobs frequently, are inexperienced, make mistakes, and are ripe for cross-examination. Many of these guards are unavailable for trial and are no longer employed at the store by the time court dates roll around.

Prosecutors who are preparing for trial often have a hard time finding these in-house security employees. I’ve won many theft/shoplifting trials that at first glance seemed unwinnable, simply because the guard could not be located.

There are many ways of avoiding a trial and still getting a dismissal, and ( if you are eligible) sealing your criminal record;

  1. Pre-Trial Diversion
  2. Special Expense
  3. Deferred Adjudication

Yet I’ve seen these opportunities go out the window due to lack of attention (client preparation) or inexperience of the defense lawyer. Be sure you know the lawyer knows what he’s doing. The Chief Prosecutor of the court you are in has considerable leeway in deciding whether or not to give a person accused of shoplifting/theft a second chance.

(Please see the Harris County Community Supervision and Correction Department)

A Crime of Moral Turpitude

Shoplifting or theft in Texas is considered a crime of moral turpitude, and if not handled correctly can have adverse effects on your reputation, job, credit, apt locating, etc, for the rest of your life.

Many times the value and aggregation of the amounts involved in a theft case are exaggerated, and restitution requirements are inflated. You could be told you owe restitution for something twice the value of what you are accused of taking. It’s important to have an experienced shoplifting attorney who can recognize these issues.

If you were charged with theft, shoplifting, burglary, theft of service, robbery of trade secrets, theft by check, or unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, even if you think your case is hopeless, call me.

Houston Shoplifting Defense: Case Results

Theft-Shoplifting/EXPUNGED: CT 14 NOT GUILTY
Theft-Shoplifting/EXPUNGED: CT 14 NOT GUILTY
Theft-Shoplifting/EXPUNGED :CT 7 NOT GUILTY
Theft-Shoplifting/DISMISSED: CZE# 12772290 CT 8Burglary WITH INTENT TO COMMIT AGGRAVATED ASSAULT/NOT GUILTY: CZE# 07709330, 337th
Burglary OF A HABITATION: CZE# 07832870 183rd NOT GUILTY
Burglary OF A HABITATION: CZE#07678820 338th NOT GUILTY
Burglary OF A BUILDING-Dismissed: CZE# 07150510, 209th
Theft-Dismissed: CZE# 13643980 CT 13
CREDIT/DEBIT CARD ABUSE-Dismissed: CZE# 08085390, 182nd
Burglary OF A VEHICLE-Dismissed: CZE# 97219350 CT 8
Theft/$ 20,000 –$ 100,000-Dismissed: CZE# 07540840, 248th
Theft OF A FIREARM-Dismissed: CZE#07468110, CZE# 07389520, 174th
Theft-Dismissed: CZE# 99459770 CT 1
Theft/$20,000-$100,000/DISMISSED: CZE# 08378470, 351st
Theft-Dismissed: CZE# 16041310 CT 8
BURGLARY-Dismissed: CZE# 11377310, 230th
Theft-Dismissed: CZE# 18030390 CT 8
Burglary-Dismissed: CZE# 11377300, 230th
UNAUTHORIZED USE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE-Dismissed: CZE # 09801960, 178th
FORGERY/DISMISSED: CZE# 0743250, 209th
Theft $20,000-$100,000/DISMISSED: CZE# 07176620, 209th
Theft 1500 -20,000/ DISMISSED: CZE# 09709200, 232nd set for suppression/jury trial
Theft BY CHECK-Dismissed: CZE# 98175990 CT 12
Burglary OF A BUILDING-Dismissed: CZE# 07150510, 209th
Burglary OF A VEHICLE-Dismissed: CZE# 97219350 CT 8
Theft/DISMISSED: CZE# 99459770 CT 14
Theft/$20,000-$100,000-Dismissed: CZE# 08378470, 351st
Theft-Dismissed: CZE# 16041310 CT 8
Theft/SHOPLIFTING-Dismissed: CZE# 12772290 CT 8
Burglary-Dismissed: CZE# 11377310, 230th
Theft-Dismissed: CZE# 18030390 CT 8
Burglary-Dismissed: CZE# 11377300, 230th
UNAUTHORIZED USE OF A MOTOR VEHICLE-Dismissed: CZE # 09801960, 178th
FORGERY-Dismissed: CZE# 0743250, 209th
Theft $20,000-$100,000-Dismissed: CZE# 07176620, 209th
Theft 1500 -20,000-Dismissed: CZE# 09709200, 232nd set for suppression/jury trial
Theft BY CHECK-Dismissed: CZE# 98175990 CT 12
Burglary-Dismissed: CZE# 11377310, 230th
Burglary OF A BUILDING-Dismissed: CZE# 07150510, 209th
Theft-Dismissed: CZE# 13643980 CT 13
CREDIT/DEBIT CARD ABUSE-Dismissed: CZE# 08085390, 182nd
Burglary OF A VEHICLE-Dismissed: CZE# 97219350 CT 8
Theft 20,000 – 100,000 -Dismissed: CZE# 07540840, 248th
Theft OF A FIREARM-Dismissed: CZE#07468110, CZE# 07389520, 174th
Theft-Dismissed: CZE# 99459770 CT 14

Need Help? Contact Shoplifting Attorney Jack B. Carroll

If you have questions about keeping a shoplifting charge off your record (which is a crime of moral turpitude that can affect you for the rest of your life), call Jack today. Even if you think your case is hopeless, call Houston Shoplifting Attorney Jack B. Carroll at 281.699.2984 for legal advice and to discuss legal representation for you. Have your rights vigorously defended by an experienced criminal justice lawyer, call Jack today.

Theft & Shoplifting Attorney in Houston, TX

Houston Shoplifting Attorney Jack B. Carroll