Facing Criminal Charges for Statutory Rape in Houston?
Call Jack B. Carroll & Associates Immediately. 713-228-4607.

Often consensual sex between teenagers is no big deal; until the law gets involved when one teenager is too old or if there’s an adult involved.
As a criminal lawyer who has defended people accused of serious crimes, there’s little I haven’t encountered when it comes to fighting for people like you.
Regardless of the circumstances behind this serious charge, you need experienced criminal counsel who is adept at handling such prickly allegations, irrespective of whether they may be true or not.
If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges connected with statutory rape, don’t hesitate to call our law office at 713-228-4607. Jack B. Carroll & Associates has been a mainstay of the Houston criminal-defense bar since the 1990s. Jack is a Board Certified® Criminal Law Attorney whose long and impressive history of winning is well-respected in the local and Texas legal communities. Call us if you need help.
Statutory Rape & Texas Law involving “Young Adults” & Teenagers
This has been a thorny issue for generations among concerned lawmakers & parents: how do you handle (legislate) teenage love? And when does the law go too far? Teenagers who are of legal age have sex with others who are not. They always have and always will. Objectively, there’s nothing inherently criminal about it. But many people – politicians and parents alike – have a much more subjective and restrictive view of the matter. And therein lies the problem. Because some 18-year-old high school seniors date (and have sex with) 14 and 15-year-old freshmen and sophomores. The thorny issue is the “age of consent” in Texas: 17.
Texas law has yet to be written which accounts for these and other technical aspects of the current legal code surrounding statutory rape. So a lot of unique cases fall through cracks in the legal system which the statutory rape laws just can’t effectively – or fairly – address.
This leaves a lot of “wiggle room” when older high school students have sex with their underage companions, who are then accused of statutory rape by mortified (and often embarrassed) parents of the “victim” who was likely an enthusiastic participant to begin with.
Young love; what is a parent to do? Call the cops and scream statutory rape.
But let’s get down to cases. For one thing, the law doesn’t require a teenager of legal age (17 or older) who is convicted of indecency with a child (which is the law that a statutory rapist is alleged to have violated) to register as a sex offender so long as they were within 3 years of age of their partner. It’s called the Romeo & Juliet provision. This is really important later on down the road of your life.
Now an 18-year-old can still face criminal charges for having sex with a 16-year-old because Romeo and Juliet does not provide immunity from prosecution of the older partner. However, there must be more proof than “uncorroborated allegations” of the victim to make the charges stick. If the prosecution has nothing more than “they said she said,” that’s not a very strong case. And your guilt must be proven “beyond a reasonable doubt.”
Many times it still takes an experienced sex crimes lawyer to negotiate with the prosecution and convince them when their felony statutory rape case has no legs. And that’s why it’s important to have an experienced criminal lawyer fighting for you; and fairness against a law that probably doesn’t seem very fair right now. You and your parents should give Jack B. Carroll a call at 713-228-4607 and give yourself more than a fair chance to come out of this
Statutory Rape between “True” Adults & Minors
Once you’re out high school though (generally 19 or older), there’s no valid defense in Texas law for an adult charged with engaging in sexual relations with a minor, unless they’re married. Defendants will be charged with either sexual assault, aggravated sexual assault, or indecency with a child.
That said, you still have a constitutional right to defend yourself in court. Although there’s no “valid” defense for the crime of sexual assault of a minor, there are reasonable arguments you can make. These arguments could end up positively affecting your case, with the help of a seasoned sex crime defense attorney who can effectively present your side of the matter.
Penalties for Statutory Rape
For more information related to the penalties that may be applied to defendants found guilty of statutory rape in Texas, review the pages linked below.
- Sexual Assault
- Aggravated Sexual Assault (If the child was under 14 years of age or a weapon was used during the commission of the crime)
- Indecency with a Child
Accused of Statutory Rape in Houston, TX?
Call Jack B. Carroll, the Experienced Lawyer You Need
If you’re convicted of a statutory rape-related sex crime in Texas, you can face penalties up to and including life in prison if it’s an aggravated charge (victim under 14 or use of a firearm during the commission of the alleged offense). And though we have shared a couple of situational defenses, every case is different and the only sure bet is that you, the defendant, are at a distinct disadvantage without effective legal representation.
Jack B. Carroll is an accomplished criminal defense lawyer who is distinguished from others by his experience, zealous representation of his clients, and his successes (see criminal case results). He is Board Certified® in criminal-law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. If you’re serious about defending yourself and fighting for your rights, schedule a meeting with Jack B. Carroll & Associates immediately.
To contact Attorney Jack B. Carroll or to schedule your meeting calling 713-228-4607 or send us a message using the contact form on this page. Our law firm offers affordable fees, legal representation few can match, and top-notch care for our clients. We’re waiting to hear from you.