Arrested for Public Lewdness in Houston?
Call Jack B. Carroll & Associates. We’ll Help. 713-228-4607
If you’re caught by the police engaging in a sexual act in a public place, it’s likely that you will be charged with Public Lewdness. Public Lewdness differentiates itself from other “exposure” crimes like Indecent Exposure in that it requires sexual conduct or action on the part of the Defendant.
Despite the fact that “Public” is in the name of the offense, you can be charged with Public Lewdness even if you are on private property. The key issue is whether or not the act by the defendant can be seen by a member of the public. So, even if you are in the confines of your own property, if a sexual action can be seen by a member of the public who is rightfully in a public place, it’s possible you can be charged and arrested.
Texas Law & Public Lewdness Offenses
An Overview of the Texas Penal Code
Under the Texas Penal Code, a person commits the offense of Public Lewdness if a person commits the act of Sexual Intercourse or Sexual Contact in a public place. These acts are considered to be in public if the actor is reckless about whether or not another person is present who would be alarmed by the conduct or act.
Range of Punishment
Public Lewdness is a Class A misdemeanor carrying a range of punishment of up to a year in the County Jail and up to a $4,000 fine.
Arrested for Public Lewdness in Houston?
Call Jack B. Carroll & Associates today!

Board Certified
If you’re the subject of an investigation or are facing criminal charges for Public Lewdness, Houston sex crimes lawyer Jack B. Carroll urges you to arrange a meeting as soon as possible so we can review your case thoroughly.
Serious criminal cases and investigations are best left in the hands of professional Houston criminal defense lawyers. Preferably, those who are well-versed in criminal law, executing legal strategies, assuring that any law enforcement investigations are fair, and more important than anything else, winning your case.
With an experienced sex crimes lawyer, you’ll have a better chance to avoid the penalties and social stigma connected with any sex crime.
Jack B. Carroll is a seasoned criminal law attorney who is also Board Certified® in criminal law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, a distinction earned by a small percentage of Texas lawyers. If you’re ready to consult with a proven winner, call 713-228-4607 or message our legal team by clicking or pressing here.
- Texas Penal Code Chapter 21: Sexual Offenses
- Houston Chronicle: Texas Sex Abuse Exonerations
- HPD: Sex Crimes Division
- Reason: False Sex Crime Accusations Destroys Family, Legally
- Harris County DA: Victim Resources
- Office for Victims of Crimes