Facing Prostitution Related Criminal Charges in Houston?
Put Jack B. Carroll & Associates’ Experience on Your Side
RESOURCE: Our “Sex Crime” Case Results

In Houston, it’s not uncommon for the Houston Police Department or the Harris County Sheriff’s Office to conduct sting operations to enforce its prostitution laws. This practice often produces many wrongful arrests, leaving many innocent people in a nasty predicament with the Texas criminal justice system.
If you’re facing criminal charges in Houston or Harris County or soliciting, promoting, or compelling prostitution, contact an experienced attorney immediately.
Call Jack B. Carroll & Associates to learn the truth about your legal options and how you can fight for a much better outcome.
To contact our office click here to send us a message, or call our office directly at 713-228-4607. We offer in-depth case evaluations and reasonable legal fees. Our office is just steps away from the Harris County courthouse in downtown Houston.
Prostitution Offenses and Texas Law
The Texas Penal Code defines prostitution as an “offense against public order and decency.” In Texas, numerous sex-related offenses can lead to criminal prostitution charges:
A person commits this crime if the suspect knowingly either:
- Offers to engage, or engages, in a sex act for a fee; or
- Solicits another person (in public) to engage in a sex act for a fee.
Prostitution is a State Jail Felony in the State of Texas. Individuals convicted of prostitution are punished under State Jail Felony guidelines. Criminal penalties include a prison sentence of up to two years and a fine of up to $10,000.00.
Habitual offenders face enhancements that can escalate to 3rd Degree Felony classification, which could mean a prison sentence of up to 10 years, a $10,000 fine, or both.
Compelling Prostitution
The suspect either forces or coerces another person into prostitution, or solicits a child for sex. This crime is a second-degree felony which carries a prison sentence of up to 20 years with a fine of up to $10,000.00.
If the victim is “forced or compelled” into prostitution and isn’t of legal age (18), the case could be enhanced to a first-degree felony, which can draw an effective life sentence in prison.
Promotion of Prostitution
This serious charge involves those who assist in the crime of prostitution. They solicit business or work with a prostitute(s) and receive compensation (a percentage or “take” if you will) from the prostitutes they promote. These “pimps,” or “madams,” violate the Texas Penal Code if they do either of the following:
- Receive money or other property as the result of an agreement to participate in the proceeds of prostitution; or
- Solicit another to engage in sexual conduct with another person for compensation.
Promotion of prostitution is generally charged as a third-degree felony. If convicted, the suspect can receive a prison sentence of two-to-10 years, a fine of up to $10,000.00, or both.
Aggravated Promotion of Prostitution
This crime is reserved for those who, according to the Texas Penal Code, “knowingly own, invest in, finance, control, supervise, or manage a prostitution enterprise that uses two or more prostitutes.” One difference between aggravated and simple promotion of prostitution is the more serious aggravated charge involves the suspect controlling the activities of “two or more” prostitutes.
This crime is normally charged as a Second-degree felony (two-to-10 years in prison, a fine of up to $10,000.00, or both). But it can be enhanced to a First-degree felony (an effective a life sentence) if the prostitution enterprise uses a prostitute who is younger than 18 years of age. This is regardless of whether the suspect knows the true age of the person at the time of the offense.
It should also be noted that “enterprise” prostitution (aggravated) could conceivably be prosecuted in federal court if any prostitutes were transported to Houston across state lines or from other countries. In addition, they could also be prosecuted under federal R.I.C.O. (organized crime) statutes.
(See Federal Prostitution section below)
As you can plainly see, Texas prostitution laws are all over the place and quite convoluted. You might initially think you’re facing a misdemeanor, only to later learn you must instead defend yourself against serious felony charges. This is why you need a seasoned, expert criminal defense lawyer to clearly explain your situation, then aggressively and skillfully defend you.
Don’t hesitate to retain experienced defense counsel. Jack B. Carroll & Associates will provide a private consultation anyplace, anytime, to get you started on the right foot.
Federal Human Trafficking and R.I.C.O Charges Associated with Prostitution
The overwhelming majority of prostitution-related cases are typically handled in Texas criminal courts. But occasionally, if the standards support the decision, they can be prosecuted as federal crimes.
The basis for these prosecutions is a violation of The Mann Act; a law passed by Congress over 100 years ago which makes it illegal to transport another person across state lines to engage in “prostitution or any immoral purpose.” Since the year 2000, the federal government has reported more investigations and prosecutions for sex trafficking than labor trafficking.
If you are being investigated or were accused of prostitution accompanied by federal human trafficking and accompanying R.I.C.O. charges, you desperately need the services of a Texas human trafficking lawyer with experience handling these kinds of cases in federal court. And you need it NOW!
RESOURCE: U.S.C. 117 § 2421A & 2422 of the Federal Transportation for Illegal Sexual Activity and Related Crimes Statute
Facing criminal charges for prostitution or promotion of prostitution in Houston? Don’t enter a guilty plea or talk with Harris County prosecutors until you first consult with Jack B. Carroll & Associates.
Fighting Back Against State & Federal Criminal Prosecutors Since 1990
Houston Defense Lawyer Jack B. Carroll
Prostitution charges and/or criminal charges related to Texas’ pimping violations can lead to serious consequences for persons convicted of such offenses. If you’re looking for a sex crime lawyer in Houston to help you beat back the state’s claims, call the criminal law firm of Attorney Jack B. Carroll & Associates immediately.
Since 1990 Jack B. Carroll has adeptly and aggressively defended people accused of criminal offenses in the state of Texas. As a Board Certified® criminal-law attorney, Jack is one of the most qualified lawyers in Houston in defending the most serious criminal cases. And though he has handled high-profile cases in the past, Jack’s always willing to help anyone who is charged with misdemeanor and State Jail Felony offenses.
To contact Jack B. Carroll & Associates call our office by phone at 713-228-4607 or send us message using the form on our contact page.