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DWI Judge: What are you going to do about it? I'm Attorney Jack B. Carroll. Have you been arrested? Have you been charged with a crime? When it’s all on the line, you need elite defense on your side.

Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association
Avvo - Top Criminal Lawyer Rating
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Texas Bar College
State Bar of Texas
South Texas College of Law - Houston
NOLO - Law For All
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Houston Bar Association

Attorney Jack B. CarrollA client of mine was pulled over by the Webster Police Department for an alleged traffic violation. Video from the scene of the alleged crime showed that my client had trouble exiting his car, and had trouble standing.

My client refused all field sobriety tests and was arrested and charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI).

My client told me he had leg cramps at the time and wasn’t drunk. He also added that he didn’t like the officer, or the Webster Police Department, and would rather spit in the arresting officer’s eye than take a plea bargain.

We set the DWI case for trial

I viewed the video of the officer making stops for DWIs and was surprised to see the first 12 stops of the officer’s night.

The video showed that he randomly stopped 12 citizens before stopping my client.

With his mic & loudspeaker on, he approached everyone and said, “I pulled you over for a traffic violation, uh, by the way, have you had anything to drink tonight”?


The officer was “fishing” for DWI arrests.

All twelve of those pulled over said, “ I haven’t had anything to drink.”

The Officer replied;“Well I’ll let you go with a warning.”

The prosecuting attorney and I had an argument about the defense recording of the tape. We took it to the judge and she agreed that I would be allowed to make a copy. While this was going on somehow the tape was accidentally erased by the DWI video room operator. I brought this and the contents of the tape to the attention of the trial court.

Under cross-examination the arresting officer smiled and denied making any illegal stops prior to pulling over my client.

The Judge became angry, stopped the jury trial, asked the prosecutors and me to come to her office and in a loud voice said;

“the cop is a liar and he has a bad attitude, WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? “

The prosecutor dismissed the DWI.

CASE RESULT: Dismissed

Accused of Drunk Driving in the Houston area?

We’ll review your case at no charge. 100% confidential consultation.

Attorney Jack B. Carroll

If you or a loved one are facing criminal charges for “driving while intoxicated” in Harris County or elsewhere in the Houston area, legal representation is imperative.

I’m Jack B. Carroll, an experienced criminal defense lawyer who has practiced criminal law in Houston since 1991. I’m consistently rated as one of the best criminal defense lawyers in Houston and I take pride in winning for my clients.

If you need help or would like to review the potential of your case, call Jack B. Carroll & Associates by phone at 713-228-4607. We provide outstanding legal representation and in-depth case evaluations.

DWI Judge: What are you going to do about it?

Jack B. Carroll & Associates