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Houston Burglary Lawyer I'm Attorney Jack B. Carroll. Have you been arrested? Have you been charged with a crime? When it’s all on the line, you need elite defense on your side.

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Facing Prosecution for Burglary in Houston?

Call Attorney Jack B. Carroll today at 713-228-4607.

Houston burglary charge defense attorney Jack B. Carroll
Attorney Jack B. Carroll

If you find yourself blamed for a criminal offense as frowned upon as burglary, you’ll need to hire a Houston criminal defense lawyer to defend your name and your rights as soon as possible.

As the defendant, you will be confronted with the potential for jail time and a lasting criminal record. A criminal record for burglary will imply to potential employers that you’re a thief when they perform pre-employment related background checks. Such a reality may cause difficulty in finding employment, moving into some neighborhoods, or even renting an apartment.

The stakes are high when facing a burglary charge in Texas. Throughout what will be a tough experience, it’s highly advised that you have one of the best criminal defense lawyers in Houston in your corner. This will be the most critical step you can take to get a fair fight in the court of law as you’ll need a lawyer that’s ready to counter a vicious prosecution attempt from the Harris County District Attorney’s office.

A Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help

When you hire one of the best Houston criminal defense lawyers to represent you in the court of law, he should know more than the Texas Penal Code as it relates to your case and the involved courtroom litigation processes. He should have experienced fighting on behalf of others who were in your situation and, based on that experience, know the best way to defend you in court.

However, every sensible criminal defense attorney in Houston should know that each case is “a life” and should never attempt to treat your case as his last case because your situation is an independent matter.

Don’t Go To Court Without a Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer

In the State of Texas, some of the most severe penalties are imposed on individuals accused of offenses like burglary and home invasions. Entering a private dwelling and taking property that you don’t have a right to will warrant the full weight of the law being threatened in your direction.

Although a burglary charge is a serious criminal charge, they aren’t “open & shut” cases, and there are defenses available. Otherwise, you’ll have to assume that every person charged with burglary is convicted. Which isn’t true.

If you’re facing criminal charges for burglarizing a home or business in Houston, and you need to talk with a lawyer that knows how to beat Houston burglary charges, contact Jack B. Carroll at 713-228-4607.

The Texas Criminal Code for Burglary

Definitions, Penalties, Punishment

The definition for burglary can be found under the Texas Penal Code, Title 7, Chapter 30 as carrying out any of the following felony acts without the consent of the property owner:

  • Entering a habitation, a building, or any part of a building not open to the public with the intent to commit a felony, a theft, or an assault,
  • Remaining concealed in a building or habitation with the intent to commit a felony, a theft, or an assault, or
  • Entering a building or habitation and committing or attempting to commit a felony, theft, or an assault.

Burglary is classified as a state jail felony in Texas and is punishable by up to 2 years in a state correctional facility and a monetary fine of up to $10,000.

However, for some individuals who are determined to be habitual offenders by the court, their charges can be enhanced to a second-degree felony which carries up to 20 years in a Texas penitentiary.

Burglarizing an Automobile in the State of Texas

The criminal act of the burglarizing of a automobile is defined as breaking into/entering a vehicle without consent of the owner, or with the intent to commit another criminal offense or a theft crime.

This sort of criminal offense is classified as a Class A misdemeanor which carries up to a year imprisonment in the Harris County jail as punishment. If you have a previous criminal record including two or more burglary or theft charges, the charge will be enhanced by the court to make you eligible for a state jail felony. If you’re facing criminal charges of this nature, you’ll need legal counsel.

Contact Jack B. Carroll, A Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer

It doesn’t matter if you are guilty as charged for the burglary offense, falsely accused, or are ready to plead out because you know the evidence is stacked against you, you’re better off with an experienced Houston criminal defense lawyer on your side.

Having an attorney in your corner could mean being found innocent if that is in fact the case, or even serving no jail time at all and walking out of court with a brief probationary period. Regardless of the situation, be sure to talk with a qualified criminal defense attorney in Houston as soon as possible or call Houston criminal defense lawyer Jack B. Carroll at 713-228-4607 to discuss your situation.

Houston Criminal Defense Attorney for Burglary Cases

Jack B. Carroll & Associates