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70 to 1, She Never Lost a Case I'm Attorney Jack B. Carroll. Have you been arrested? Have you been charged with a crime? When it’s all on the line, you need elite defense on your side.

Harris County Criminal Lawyers Association
Avvo - Top Criminal Lawyer Rating
Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association
Texas Board of Legal Specialization
Texas Bar College
State Bar of Texas
South Texas College of Law - Houston
NOLO - Law For All
National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
Houston Bar Association

My client was charged with Burglary of a Habitation with intent to commit aggravated assault. During the alleged commission of this offense my client was on parole for a similar offense.

The State of Texas alleged that my client broke thru the window of his estranged common law wife’s apartment, and attacked her with a kitchen knife. (aggravated assault)

Complainant was talking to 911 while my client entered the apartment. On the 911 recording of the call, she could be heard screaming bloody murder, “he’s cutting me with a knife”, etc.

Burglary With Intent to Commit Aggravated Assault

The State of Texas offered 40 years in prison as a plea bargain.

On first look, the evidence overwhelming pointed to guilt. My client insisted he was innocent, so we set it for trial.

I subpoenaed the hospital and apartment records.

On cross-examination, the hospital records showed superficial wounds and the maintenance records for the apartment complex showed that the broken window glass was on the outside of the apartment thus casting doubt on the complainant’s testimony that her husband broke the window from the outside while entering the apartment.

Also, the jury may not have believed the estranged wife’s testimony because, during cross-examination, the defense was able to show that the wife had other issues and wanted to punish the estranged husband.

This case was the prosecutor’s only loss in 71 felony trials.


Results due to being represented by Houston, TX based criminal defense attorney Jack B. Carroll;

Not Guilty of Burglary with Intent to Commit Aggravated Assault.

However, client was found guilty of misdemeanor criminal trespass. A Class A misdemeanor.

CASE RESULT: My client was given credit for time served.

Call Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer Jack B. Carroll

I Fight Burglary & Aggravated Assault Charges!

Attorney Jack B. CarrollIf you were charged with burglary, aggravated assault, or need a Houston criminal defense Lawyer to represent you, or someone you know in the Greater Houston TX are for accusation levied on you by law enforcement, give me a call for a in-depth case evaluation.

My name is Jack B. Carroll, an experienced criminal defense attorney who has practice law in Houston since 1991. Call me today at 713-228-4607. I provide in-depth case evaluations and stellar legal representation.

Related Practice Areas of Houston Criminal Defense Attorney Jack B Carroll;
Houston Assault Domestic Violence
Protective Orders

Burglary w/Intent to Commit Aggravated Assault

Houston Criminal Defense Lawyer

Jack B. Carroll & Associates